March 5, 2006

Some days go by so quickly..and others SOOOOooo LONG! Today was a long one. :P I spent most of the morning writing a macro for Cleon and took out the SIGIR Report for a while in the afternoon. I think it was because it's such a beautiful day out. I wish I could pick up my computer and move it outside. Maybe I'll see if I can do that one of these days. I'll bring my laptop to work and work on one of the tables outside. That'd be nice. :)

I ordered an inexpensive vacuum cleaner today. Why you ask? haha. Because the rug we bought for our room is about 9 ft x 3 ft. The beds sit on rug the long way and a tall cabinet sits on the end, so it's very inconvenient to remove from the room as well as hard to shake out period. Since we're going to be here for another year at least, I'd like to be able to clean it without all the hassle. It was cheap and recieved good reviews with Consumer Guide anyway, so it won't be too bad of a buy.

Last night was kickboxing. Xavier asked me to instruct Saturday nights starting in March which apparently didn't include last night because he showed up. He still had me teach the class for the first half and he took over for the second. ;) Guess I wasn't doing a good enough job! haha. I also went to Muay Thai which was fun. It's been a while since someone's been there when I went. I was a little nervous because all the participants were big football player sized guys but they were still really supportive and encouraged my return. The instructor would not allow any one taking it light on me either. Which is good since I choose to be there - but it was amusing.

The SIGIR awaits..hope everyone's day goes by a little quicker than mine did! :D

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