December 10, 2005

You'd be proud of me! Usually in kickboxing, I do maybe half the push ups on my toes - the other half on my knees.... My upper body strength is definitely not my strong point. Last night, I decided to push myself and TRIED to do all of them. I was able to do all but 16! We generally do anywhere between 130 to 200 push-ups during one class of kickboxing...last night we did somewhere between 135-150... so that's over 100 push ups on my toes! :) Yay me!

Mike's been crabby all day for some reason that he choses not to disclose. I think he's just getting over worked and stressed out. Time for vacation! haha. Just over a month to go before we'll be boarding in the alps!

We have a going away party to attend to this evening. It's going to make me miss kickboxing ;( I'm goign to go to the first class and skip my usual class. I'm going to miss it for sure. I'll have to make sure I get up for the gym tomorrow morning.

As part of my goal to get in better shape, I'm keeping track of my heart rate while exercising. I'm going to be sure I keep it between 60-80% of my max in order to lose a little weight, build my endurance, and improve my cardiovascular fitness. At kickboxing last night, my average heart rate was around 74% of my max and I maxed out at 89%...While not in kickboxing, I'm going to try to follow a plan that varies the heart rate in order to get maximum benefit from the workout. ;) I've got it all planned out..(I know..I'm a dork)

OK! Back to the SIGIR! Have a good weekend :)

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