December 3, 2005


Let's see. I have some catching up to do since I didn't do a blog yesterday....Thursday night was Poker Night. Mike and I both came out ahead of the rest! Scott was even there and he didn't clean us out like he did last time. It was a nice change. Tomorrow starts General Order Number 1. Apparently that means we can't drink/engage in sexual relations with the locals now. No biggie.

Yesterday was our weekend. I ended up working a little later than planned because the higher ups decided they wanted a 'slightly' different format. Since it's all coding in the background, slightly turned into a major change ;) It's all good. Just made the day go quicker.

I started doing some Christmas shopping today. Monica was kind enough to provide a Dear Santa list. I like it better that way :) Then I don't have to worry about not wasting my money!

Tim's back. He's one of our co-workers. He came back from Thailand married! (yeesh!) We'll have to get the story on that one later.

Check you later!

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